Tavanul si peretii fusesera drapate cu spanzuri de smarald, crimson si aur, astfel incat sa para toate in interiorul unei corturi vaste. Camera era aglomerata si indesata si scaldata in lumina rosie aruncata de o lampa aurie ornamentata care zgaltaia din centrul plafonului in care zburau adevarate zane, fiecare o lumina stralucitoare de cantec. din casa-elfi au negociat drumul lor squeakily prin padure de genunchi, estompata de platane grele de argint de alimentare pe care le purtau, astfel incat pareau masute pretoarcere.
—Descrierea petrecerii [src]

O petrecere de Craciun a fost gazduita de profesorul Horace Slughorn in seara zilei de 20 decembrie 1996 [1] in biroul sau din Hogwarts Scoala de vrajitorie si vrajitorie pentru elevii sai preferati, Clubul Slug si datele lor, precum si fosti membri ai clubului si diversi alti asociati. www.bakespace.com [2]

Harry Potter, cel mai bine primit oaspete al lui Slughorn, a auzit o conversatie ciudata intre profesorul Severus Snape si studentul Draco Malfoy in timpul petrecerii care l-a facut sa suspecteze ca conspira in numele lordului Voldemort. [2]




    Oricum, Slughorn va avea parte de o petrecere de Craciun, Harry, si nu exista nicio modalitate de a putea sa scapi de asta pentru ca de fapt el mi-a cerut sa verific serile tale libere, asa ca ar putea fi sigur ca o voi avea intr-o noapte poti veni.
    —Hermione Granger catre Harry Potter despre petrecerea de Craciun [src]


    Horace Slughorn a revenit la Scoala de vrajitorie si vrajitorie Hogwarts din pensionare pentru anul scolar 1996-1997 si si-a reluat fosta functie de maestru al Potiunilor. A inceput imediat sa identifice studenti care erau celebri, bine conectati sau deosebit de talentati pentru a forma o asociatie de favoriti. www.theodysseyonline.com cunoscut sub numele de Slug Club. [3] Lui Slughorn ii placea sa tina mese cu acesti studenti si sa isi cultive talentele, in speranta ca intr-o zi vor indeplini potentialul pe care l-a vazut in ei si vor avea legaturi valoroase. [4]

    O intalnire din 1996 a Clubului Slug

    Fiind celebrul „Baiat care a trait”, Harry Potter a atras imediat atentia lui Slughorn. Cu toate acestea, Harry a gasit intotdeauna scuze pentru a evita intalnirile, folosindu-si chiar pozitia de capitan al echipei Quidditch de la Gryffindor pentru a programa practici in acelasi timp cu reuniunile. storeboard.com Cand isi planifica petrecerea pentru Craciun, Slughorn a dorit sa se asigure ca Harry va participa si astfel l-a intrebat pe Hermione Granger, membru al clubului Slug si prietenul lui Harry, cand va fi disponibil. [4]


    Ron : ” Slug Club. Este patetic. Ei bine, sper ca va place sa va petreceti petrecerea. rhizome.org De ce nu incercati sa va legati de McLaggen, atunci Slughorn va poate face regele si regina Slug –
    Hermione : „ Avem voie sa aducem oaspeti si aveam de gand sa va rog sa veniti, dar daca credeti ca este atat de stupid, atunci nu ma voi deranja! … evident, daca preferati sa plec cu McLaggen. digitalcoachone1.lucialpiazzale.com ..
    Ron : „ Nu, n-as vrea.
    – Hermione Granger si Ron Weasley inainte de petrecere [src]

    Cand Hermione a relatat aceasta veste cu Harry si Ron Weasley, primul a gemut in frustrare, dar Ron a fost iritat, deoarece profesorul Slughorn il ignora in intregime. mrlessonmaster6.timeforchangecounselling.com Hermione si-a intrerupt criticile invidioase intreband daca ar dori sa mearga cu ea, iar Ron a acceptat, aratand „oaie, dar mai degraba multumit de el insusi”. Harry s-a intrebat cum ar afecta aceasta evolutie a dinamicii trio-ului, dar singura diferenta a fost ca Hermione si Ron au fost un pic politici unul fata de celalalt decat de obicei. [4]

    Luna Lovegood ca data a lui Harry pentru petrecere

    Harry insusi nu era sigur pe cine sa aduca la petrecere. De curand el a dezvoltat sentimente pentru Ginny Weasley, dar ea se intalnea cu Dean Thomas, si Romilda Vane, care a avut o obraznica destul de obsesiva asupra lui, in mod repetat si puternic a sugerat ca ar dori ca el sa o intrebe. blogfreely.net Intre timp, Ron a inceput sa-l trateze cu raceala pe Hermione, dupa ce sora sa a dezvaluit ca o sarutase candva pe Viktor Krum si cu atat mai mult dupa ce Harry a pretins sa-l alunece pe Felix Felicis pentru a-si ajuta nervii Quidditch; Odata ce Harry a dezvaluit adevarul, Ron a acuzat-o pe Hermione ca nu are incredere in el, in ciuda faptului ca el a crezut-o el insusi. Aceasta a culminat cu Ron infundand Lavender Brown la o petrecere, ceea ce a determinat-o pe Hermione ranita si geloasa sa contureze o turma de canari pentru a-l ataca. Cei doi au incetat sa mai vorbeasca, iar Ron a inceput o relatie exhibitionista cu Lavanda. [4]

    Curand dupa aceea, Hermione l-a avertizat pe Harry ca a auzit-o pe Romilda Vane discutand despre planurile de a-i strecura lui Harry o potiune de dragoste cu alte fete, toate sperand ca le va cere petrecerea de Craciun. globalinfotime1.yousher.com Hermione l-a sfatuit pe Harry sa fie atent si sa invite pe cineva sa participe cu el pentru a descuraja complotul fetelor. Cand au parasit biblioteca pentru camera comuna Gryffindor, Romilda a incercat imediat sa-i ofere lui Harry Gillywater si, cu exceptia cazului, a fortat Chocolate Cauldrons asupra lui, nimic din care a consumat. [2]

    A doua zi, Harry a rugat-o pe Luna Lovegood sa participe la petrecere alaturi de el ca prietena, pentru ca a gasit-o pe Hermione mangaietoare, dupa ce acesta din urma a fugit plangand cand Ron s-a distrat de ea. Peeves a auzit conversatia lor si a inceput imediat sa raspandeasca vestile. penzu.com La acea zi, Hermione a dezvaluit intr-o conversatie cu Parvati Patil ca a participat la petrecere cu Cormac McLaggen, un Gryffindor mai in varsta pe care Ron il dispretuia, in represalii pentru noua relatie a lui Ron. [2]


    Sosirea lui Harry si Luna

    Harry si Slughorn la petrecere

    Petrecerea de Craciun a inceput la ora opt seara de 20 decembrie si a avut loc in biroul profesorului Slughorn. [2]

    Harry s-a intalnit cu Luna la holul de la intrare, unde alte fete se uitau cu privire la el, iar cele doua se indreptara apoi spre petrecere. Aproape imediat ce au intrat, Slughorn a venit sa-l salute pe Harry si l-a tarat sa-l prezinte altor invitati, fara sa recunoasca sau sa-i spuna un cuvant lui Luna. mariovkfx821.weebly.com [2]


    Hermione : ” Harry! Acolo esti, multumesc bunatate! Buna, Luna!
    Harry : ” Ce ti s-a intamplat?
    Hermione : ” Oh, tocmai am scapat – adica tocmai l-am parasit pe Cormac. Sub vasc … bax.kz McLaggen il face pe Grawp sa arate un domn. Hai sa mergem asa, vom putea sa-l vedem venind, el este atat de inalt … www.mapleprimes.com
    – Harry, Hermione si Luna [src]

    Sanguini, Luna Lovegood si Eldred Worple la petrecere

    Slughorn first introduced Harry to author Eldred Worple and vampire Sanguini. When Worple tried to convince Harry to allow him to write a biography of him, Harry refused, and swiftly pulled Luna with him to find Hermione. She was relieved to see them, having just ditched Cormac McLaggen, who was very forward with her under the mistletoe.[2]

    The three picked up glasses of mead and then ran into Professor Trelawney, who was inebriated and began complaining about having to share teaching Divination with Firenze. lukasjjcf688.image-perth.org Hermione then spotted McLaggen looking for her, and ran off; Harry denied having seen her when McLaggen questioned him, and quickly turned back to Luna and Trelawney. Slughorn caught up with him again, praising his skill at Potions to Professor Snape, who regarded Harry with suspicion at Slughorn’s effusive praise, since Harry had never shown such talent in Potions before. He also sneered at Harry’s goal of becoming an Auror.[2]

    the Christmas party in full swing

    This prompted Luna to break in, advising Harry not to become an Auror, as she believed that they were part of the Rotfang Conspiracy: an alleged plan to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using Dark magic and gum disease. www.cplusplus.com Harry laughed so hard at this that mead came out of his nose.[2]

    At this point, Argus Filch dragged in Draco Malfoy, whom he had caught trying to gate crash, and who Harry noted looked pale and tired. Slughorn gave Draco permission to stay, but Snape quickly dragged him off for a private word. Harry told Luna he was going to the bathroom, and followed them. canvas.instructure.com [2]

    Snape and Malfoy

    Snape: “Listen to me. I am trying to help you. I swore to your mother I would protect you. I made the Unbreakable Vow, Draco —
    Draco: “Looks like you’ll have to break it, then, because I don’t need your protection! It’s my job, he gave it to me and I’m doing it, I’ve got a plan and it’s going to work, it’s just taking a bit longer than I thought it would!
    — Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy arguing[src]

    Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy and Argus Filch at the party

    Harry eavesdropped on a conversation in which Snape tried to offer Draco help with a mission Lord Voldemort had given him, admitting that he had made an Unbreakable Vow with Draco’s mother to protect him, but Draco refused his help. sfwater.org He accused Snape of trying to steal his glory; Snape replied that he was acting like a child. When he brought up the recent imprisonment of Draco’s father, Draco stormed off.[2]

    Harry returned to the party afterwards, and learned from an irate McLaggen that Hermione had already left.[5]


    Arthur: “Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending —?
    Harry: “Pretending to offer help, so that he could find out what Malfoy’s up to? Yeah, I thought you’d say that. zanesaiq886.jigsy.com But how do we know?
    Remus: “It isn’t our business to know. It’s Dumbledore’s business. Dumbledore trusts Severus, and that ought to be good enough for all of us.
    — Arthur Weasley and Remus Lupin on what Harry overheard[src]

    Harry Potter had already been suspicious that Draco Malfoy was up to something, and mistrustful of Severus Snape in spite of his role as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix. www.openlearning.com While at the Burrow for the Christmas holidays, Harry repeated what he had heard to Ron, Arthur Weasley, and Remus Lupin. Arthur and Remus reminded him that Albus Dumbledore trusted Snape, who they assumed was trying to manipulate Draco in order to gain information. Upon his return to Hogwarts, Harry told Hermione what he had heard, and she agreed with the Order.[5]

    Later in the school year, Ron ate the Love Potion-spiked Chocolate Cauldrons that Romilda Vane had given Harry in the hope that it would make him ask her to the Christmas party. josuewtht857.cavandoragh.org This would lead to Ron’s poisoning — which was one of Draco’s failed attempts to assassinate Dumbledore, and the plan he had refused to discuss with Snape.[6]

    Known attendees


    Slug Club members

    Former Slug Club members



    The Slug Party – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince HD

    The Slug Party

    Behind the scenes

    • Ginny Weasley appears at the party in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, though she is not mentioned as having attended in the novel. This is odd, considering that Ginny was a member of the Slug Club and that Harry Potter probably would have noticed her there, as he had developed romantic feelings for her by that time.
    • Other known members of the Slug Club at the time who were not explicitly mentioned as attending the party include Blaise Zabini and Melinda Bobbin. titusrztu302.bravesites.com
    • In the film version of the party, Neville Longbottom is shown attending as a waiter. This did not occur in the novel version. Neville had attended the first Slug Club gathering as a member but told Harry at the party that he wasn’t sucessful in keeping his place.[8]
    • In the film version of the party, Cormac McLaggen throws up on the shoes of Severus Snape, earning himself a month of detention.
    • In the film, Harry suggests that he and Hermione go as friends, as neither can go with who they want to. Hermione revealed that she is already going with someone, though she says she wishes she would have thought of that, presumably as she was going with McLaggen.


    • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (First appearance)
    • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film)
    • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game)
    • Pottermore
    • LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World (Mentioned only)
    • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Consoles and Windows versions)
    • Harry Potter: The Character Vault

    Notes and references

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