Viata “- Pilar Zeta, director de arta (Coldplay)
Cel mai bun pachet in cutie sau editie speciala limitata
- „Oda bucuriei” – Lawrence Azerrad si Jeff Tweedy, regizori de arta (Wilco) – Castigator
- „Flaming Pie (Collector’s Edition)” – Linn Wie Andersen, Simon Earith, Paul McCartney si James Musgrave, regizori de arta (Paul McCartney)
- „Giants Stadium 1987, 1989, 1991” – Lisa Glines si Doran Tyson, regizori de arta (Grateful Dead)
- „Mode” – Jeff Schulz, director de arta (Depeche Mode)
- „The Story of Ghostly International” – Michael Cina si Molly Smith, regizori de arta (diversi artisti)
Cele mai bune note de album
- „Popul omului mort” – Bob Mehr, scriitor de note de album (The Replacements) – Castigator
- „La spectacolul Minstrel: rutine de menestrel din studio, 1894-1926” – Tim Brooks, scriitor de note de album (Diversi artisti)
- „The Bakersfield Sound: Country Music Capital of the West, 1940-1974” – Scott B. Bomar, scriitor de note de album (artisti diferiti)
- „Linkul lipsa: cum ne-a adus Gus Haenschen de la Joplin la jazz si a modelat afacerea muzicala” – Colin Hancock, scriitor de note de album (diversi artisti)
- “Out Of A Clear Blue Sky” – David Sager, scriitor de note de album (Nat Brusiloff)
Cel mai bun album istoric
- „Este un sentiment atat de bun: cel mai bun dintre Mister Rogers” – Mister Rogers – Castigator
- „Sarbatorit, 1895-1896” – Cvarteta unica
- „Hittin’ The Ramp: The Early Years (1936 – 1943) ”- Nat King Cole
- “1999 Super Deluxe Edition” – Prince
- „Suvenir” – Manevre orchestrale in intuneric
- „Arunca-ti inima: sesiunile complete din Africa” – Bela Fleck
Cel mai bun album conceput, neclasic
- „Hyperspace” – Drew Brown, Andrew Coleman, Shawn Everett, Serban Ghenea, David Greenbaum, Jaycen Joshua, Beck Hansen si Mike Larson, ingineri; Randy Merrill, inginer mastering (Beck) – Castigator
- „Black Hole Rainbow” – Shawn Everett si Ivan Wayman, ingineri; Bob Ludwig, inginer masterat (Devon Gilfillian)
- „Asteptari” – Gary Paczosa si Mike Robinson, ingineri; Paul Blakemore, inginer masterat (Katie Pruitt)
- „Jaime” – Shawn Everett, inginer; Shawn Everett, inginer masterat (Brittany Howard)
- „25 de calatorii” – Shani Gandhi si Gary Paczosa, ingineri; Adam Grover, inginer masterat (Sierra Hull)
Producatorul anului, neclasic
- Andrew Watt – Castigator
- Jack Antonoff
- Dan Auerbach
- Dave Cobb
- Flying Lotus
Cea mai buna inregistrare remixata
- “Roses (Imanbek Remix)” – Imanbek Zeikenov, remixer (SAINt JHN) – Castigator
- „Do You Ever (RAC Mix) – RAC, remixer (Phil Good)
- „Imaginary Friends (Morgan Page Remix)” – Morgan Page, remixer (Deadmau5)
- “Praying for You (Louie Vega Main Remix) – Louie Vega, remixer (Jasper Street Co.)
- “Young & Alive (Bazzi vs. Haywyre Remix)” – Haywyre, remixer (Bazzi)
Cel mai bun album de inginerie, clasic
- „Sostakovici: Simfonia nr. 13,„ Babi Yar ”” – David Frost si Charlie Post, ingineri; Silas Brown, inginer masterat (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) – Castigator
- “Danielpour: Pasiunea lui Yeshua” – Bernd Gottinger, inginer (JoAnn Falletta, James K. Bass, Adam Luebke, UCLA Chamber Singers, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra & Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus)
- „Gershwin: Porgy si Bess” – David Frost si John Kerswell, ingineri; Silas Brown, inginer mastering (David Robertson, Eric Owens, Angel Blue, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
- „Hynes: Fields” – Kyle Pyke, inginer; Jesse Lewis si Kyle Pyke, ingineri de masterat (Devonte Hynes & Third Coast Percussion)
- „Ives: Complete Symphonies” – Alexander Lipay si Dmitriy Lipay, ingineri; Alexander Lipay si Dmitriy Lipay, ingineri de masterat (Gustavo Dudamel si Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Producatorul anului, clasic
- David Frost – Castigator
- Blanton Alspaugh
- Jesse Lewis
- Dmitry Lipay
- Elaine Martone
Cea mai buna interpretare orchestrala
- “Ives: Simfonii complete” – Gustavo Dudamel, dirijor (Filarmonica din Los Angeles) – Castigator
- “Aspects of America – Pulitzer Edition” – Carlos Kalmar, dirijor (Oregon Symphony)
- „Concurenta” – Daniel Bjarnason, dirijor (Orchestra Simfonica din Islanda)
- “Copland: Symphony No. 3” – Michael Tilson Thomas, dirijor (San Francisco Symphony)
- “Lutoslawski: Symphonies No. 2 & 3” – Hannu Lintu, dirijor (Orchestra Simfonica Radio Finlandeza)
Cea mai buna inregistrare de opera
- „Gershwin: Porgy and Bess” – David Robertson, dirijor; Angel Blue si Eric Owens; David Frost, producator (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) – Castigator
- „Dello Joio: Procesul de la Rouen” – Gil Rose, dirijor; Heather Buck si Stephen Powell; Gil Rose, producator (Boston Modern Orchestra Project; Odyssey Opera Chorus)
- „Floyd, C: Prince of Players” – William Boggs, dirijor; Keith Phares si Kate Royal; Blanton Alspaugh, producator (Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra; Florentine Opera Chorus)
- „Handel: Agrippina” – Maxim Emelyanychev, dirijor; Joyce DiDonato; Daniel Zalay, producator (Il Pomo D’Oro)
- „Zemlinsky: Der Zwerg” – Donald Runnicles, dirijor; David Butt Philip si Elena Tsallagova; Peter Ghirardini si Erwin Sturzer, producatori (Orchestra Deutsche Oper Berlin; Corul Deutsche Oper Berlin)
Cea mai buna interpretare corala
- „Danielpour: Pasiunea lui Yeshua” – JoAnn Falletta, dirijor; James K. Bass si Adam Luebke, maestri ai corului (James K.
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Bass, J’Nai Bridges, Timothy Fallon, Kenneth Overton, Hila Plitmann si Matthew Worth; Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra; Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus & UCLA Chamber Singers) – Castigator - „Carthage” – Donald Nally, dirijor (The Crossing)
- „Kastalski: Requiem” – Leonard Slatkin, dirijor; Charles Bruffy, Steven Fox si Benedict Sheehan, maestri ai corului (Joseph Charles Beutel si Anna Dennis; Orchestra Of St. Luke; Cathedral Choral Society, The Clarion Choir, Kansas City Chorale & The Saint Tikhon Choir)
- “Moravec: Sanctuary Road” – Kent Tritle, dirijor (Joshua Blue, Raehann Bryce-Davis, Dashon Burton, Malcolm J. Merriweather & Laquita Mitchell; Oratorio Society of New York Orchestra; Oratorio Society of New York Chorus)
- „A fost odata” – Matthew Guard, dirijor (Sarah Walker; Ansamblu vocal Skylark)
Cel mai bun spectacol de muzica de camera / mic ansamblu
- “Voci contemporane” – Pacifica Quartet – Castigator
- „Moduri de vindecare” – Brooklyn Rider
- „Hearne, T ,: Place” – Ted Hearne, Steven Bradshaw, Sophia Byrd, Josephine Lee, Isaiah Robinson, Sol Ruiz, Ayanna Woods & Place Orchestra
- „Hynes: Fields” – Devonte Hynes & Percussion Third Coast
- „Cvartetele Schumann” – Cvartetul Dover
Cel mai bun solo instrumental clasic
- „Theofanidis: Concert pentru viola si orchestra de camera” – Richard O’Neill; David Alan Miller, dirijor (Albany Symphony) – Castigator
- „Ades: Concert pentru pian si orchestra” – Kirill Gerstein; Thomas Ades, dirijor (Boston Symphony Orchestra)
- „Beethoven: Sonate complete pentru pian” – Igor Levit
- „Povesti boeme” – Augustin Hadelich; Jakub Hrusa, dirijor (Charles Owen; Symphonieorchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks)
- „Destinatie Rachmaninov – Sosire” – Daniil Trifonov; Yannick Nezet-Seguin, dirijor (Orchestra Philadelphia)
Cel mai bun album vocal solo clasic
- „Smyth: inchisoarea” – Sarah Brailey si Dashon Burton; James Blachly, dirijor (Experiential Chorus; Experiential Orchestra) – Castigator
- „Compozitori americani in joc – William Bolcom, Ricky Ian Gordon, Lori Laitman, John Musto” – Stephen Powell (Attacca Quartet, William Bolcom, Ricky Ian Gordon, Lori Laitman, John Musto, Charles Neidich si Jason Vieaux)
- „Clairieres – Melodii de Lili & Nadia Boulanger” – Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, acompaniatoare
- „Farinelli” – Cecilia Bartoli; Giovanni Antonini, dirijor (Il Giardino Armonico)
- „A Lad’s Love” – Brian Giebler; Steven McGhee, insotitor (Katie Hyun, Michael Katz, Jessica Meyer, Reginald Mobley si Ben Russell)
Cel mai bun compendiu clasic
- “Thomas, MT: Din jurnalul Annei Frank si meditatii despre Rilke” – Isabel Leonard; Michael Tilson Thomas, dirijor; Jack Vad, producator – Castigator
- „Ades Conducts Ades” – Mark Stone si Christianne Stotijn; Thomas Ades, dirijor; Nick Squire, producator
- “Saariaho: Graal Theatre; Circle Map, Neiges, Vers Toi Qui Es Si Loin” – Clement Mao-Takacs, dirijor; Hans Kipfer, producator
- “Serebrier: Variatii simfonice de Bach; Plangeri si Aleluia; Concert pentru flaut” – Jose Serebrier, dirijor; Jens Braun, producator
- „Woolf, LP: Foc si sange” – Matt Haimovitz; Julian Wachner, dirijor; Blanton Alspaugh, producator
Cea mai buna compozitie clasica contemporana
- “Rouse: Symphony No. 5” – Christopher Rouse, compozitor (Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) – Castigator
- „Ades: Concert pentru pian si orchestra” – Thomas Ades, compozitor (Kirill Gerstein, Thomas Ades si Boston Symphony Orchestra)
- „Danielpour: Pasiunea lui Yeshua” – Richard Danielpour, compozitor (JoAnn Falletta, James K. Bass, Adam Luebke, UCLA Chamber Singers, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra & Buffalo Philharmonic Chorus)
- „Floyd, C .: Prince of Players” – Carlisle Floyd, compozitor (William Boggs, Kate Royal, Keith Phares, Florentine Opera Chorus si Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra)
- „Hearne, T .: Place” – Ted Hearne, compozitor (Ted Hearne, Steven Bradshaw, Sophia Byrd, Josephine Lee, Isaiah Robinson, Sol Ruiz, Ayanna Woods & Place Orchestra)
Cel mai bun videoclip muzical
- „Brown Skin Girl” – Beyonce, Saint Jhn si Wizkid cu Blue Ivy Carter – Castigator
- „Viata este buna” – viitor cu Drake
- „Blocare” – Anderson. Paak “Adore You” – Harry Styles “Goliath” – WoodkidCel mai bun film muzical
- “Linda Ronstadt: Sunetul vocii mele” – Linda Ronstadt – Castigator
- “Beastie Boys Story” – Beastie Boys
- „Black Is King” – Beyonce
- „We Are Freestyle Love Supreme” – Freestyle Love Supreme
- „Acea mica trupa ol din Texas” – ZZ Top