Acele presupuse jurnale confesionale erau simple carti de intalniri. Ea ar enumera numele si ora in care se intalnea cu cineva la pranz, ceai, bauturi sau cina.
A existat, de asemenea, o alta dimensiune a intrarilor. Margaret era o doamna care prefera compania barbatilor in locul femeilor.
Majoritatea oamenilor cu care avea angajamente sociale erau barbati. Majoritatea erau gay. Intrucat homosexualitatea era inca o infractiune, cu greu s-ar fi putut apara spunand ca multi dintre barbatii a caror interpretare ar fi apreciat-o ar fi fugit la vederea unei femei goale.
Dar a subliniat in mod vociferat, chiar si jurnalistilor, ca a avut in mod invariabil consimtamantul sotiilor barbatilor casatoriti cu care a socializat.
There was much talk about Douglas Fairbanks Jnr being a possible lover of Margaret’s, and one of the two candidates – along with Sir Winston Churchill’s son-in-law Duncan Sandys – likely to be the Headless Man. But this was discounted by Fairbanks’ wife for the nonsense it was.
Neither my father-in-law nor his ex-wife was involved with the antics of Jack Profumo.
Scandal: Contemporary press reports of Margaret’s notorious divorce case
However, the Argyll divorce had caused such shock waves that Lord Denning, appointed to head the inquiry into the Profumo Affair amid public concern about wrongdoing in high places, felt it his duty to interview Margaret. He duly got in touch with her and ‘required her to attend upon him for an interview’.
‘The impertinence of the man,’ she fulminated a decade later as she recounted the saga to me.
‘Linking us with that flotsam and jetsam.
‘Denning was loving every minute of the circus. You could see him smacking his lips in delight. Of course, the press would have been there in force to photograph me had I been ill-advised enough to attend.
‘However, I informed him that while I was prepared to receive him at my house, there was no way I would be attending upon him. So he came to me. I was the only witness who didn’t go to see him. ‘
It emerged that Denning’s curiosity had been piqued by the identity of the headless man, who had been pictured using the new-fangled camera known as a Polaroid.
Rumours were swirling as to who this man might be. Which brings us to his identity, and how the photographs, which would cause so much trouble for her, came into being.
Margaret was a genuine neophyte. If it was new, she had to have it. For instance, she had to go on Concorde’s maiden flight. It should, therefore, come as no surprise she managed to own one of the first Polaroids in England.
And she used it, in all innocence, to record a loving encounter with the man who replaced Big Ian in her affections after he began divorce proceedings against her.
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Or, to be more accurate, the man rigged up the timer and they recorded a memento of their love for each other.
Her ‘third husband’, as Margaret often referred to him, was an American, William H Lyons, the sales director of Pan American Airlines and the scion of a wealthy family.
He was sophisticated, debonair, dapper, well-bred, charming and handsome. Like her first husband Charlie, he was sexy and great fun. He was reliable and astute.
His father being a lawyer, he was also able to give her guidance as, for four long years, Argyll vs Argyll wound its torturous way through the divorce courts.
There was only one snag. Bill, as Margaret and all his friends called him, was married. His Portuguese wife was what was known in those days as ‘highly strung’.
Every time Bill told her he was going to leave her for Margaret, she would threaten to commit suicide. So for six years he remained married while he and Margaret were accepted ‘everywhere’ as a couple. They travelled together.
They attended parties and premieres and the ballet and theatre together.
‘We were as good as married,’ Margaret said.
Though she wanted him to marry her, he feared having his wife’s death on his conscience if he left her and, finally, after six years together, he returned to his wife in both body and soul.
The damage to Margaret was made all the worse by Big Ian’s decision to include among the photographs, pornographic pictures he had purchased abroad – some featuring more than one man, so determined was he to ruin her reputation. But the only pictures that he stole from his estranged wife featured Bill.
To me, the most interesting aspect of the whole sorry saga has never been the identity of the Headless Man. To those of us who were close to her, it was hardly a surprise – Bill was her lover after all. I have always known the answer.
This, though, was a secret shared only within the family. For 50 years it has been safely, maybe too safely, kept – for in keeping it, we have also perpetuated the mystery, and in so doing we have done Margaret’s reputation no favours.
So the time has now come for Bill Lyons to step on to the symbolic stage that the Duchess of Argyll will hereafter always occupy at opera houses around the world. Margaret might have been coquettish, but she was most certainly no cocotte. And the only way to do her justice is to identify the Headless Man.
Then, and only then, will everyone be able to appreciate that what she was doing in those photographs was not so very terrible. She was simply a woman in love – who was unfortunate enough to have a memento of something happy stolen from her.